Aarón y Amigos - 2023 Hispanic Heritage Month Dinner
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Scottsdale, AZ
Registration is closed

Presenting Sponsor

  • Naming Rights:“Aarón y Amigos presented by ________”
  • One table for eight (8) guests, premium placement
  • Pre & post-event marketing benefits: listing in email newsletters, social media, press release, mention in interviews, website inclusion, Thank You email and more
  • In-room marketing benefits: mention on the event program’s cover which will be placed at each guest seat, multiple mentions from the podium by the event emcee, and logo on-screen
  • Meet & greet with Chef Aarón Sánchez for presenting sponsor’s table guests
  • Optional opportunities include providing signage for in-room display, and/or to distribute collateral or promotional items to guests (planning for 100)
  • Customization of sponsorship activations can be discussed

Mejor Amigo Sponsor

  • One table for eight (8) guests, premium placement
  • Pre & post-event marketing benefits: listing in email newsletters, social media, press release, mention in interviews, website inclusion, Thank You email and more
  • In-room marketing benefits: mention on the event program’s cover which will be placed at each guest seat, multiple mentions from the podium by the event emcee, and logo on-screen
  • Meet & greet with Chef Aarón Sánchez for presenting sponsor’s table guests
  • Optional opportunities include providing signage for in-room display, and/or to distribute collateral or promotional items to guests (planning for 100)

Familia Sponsor

  • One half table for four (4) guests, premium placement
  • Pre & post-event marketing benefits: listing in email newsletters, social media, press release, mention in interviews, website inclusion, Thank You email and more
  • In-room marketing benefits: mention on the event program’s cover which will be placed at each guest seat, multiple mentions from the podium by the event emcee, and logo on-screen

Friend of the Fund

  • In-room marketing benefits: mention on the event program’s cover which will be placed at each guest seat, multiple mentions from the podium by the event emcee, and logo on-screen
  • Post-event marketing benefits including acknowledgement in attendee thank you email and social media